White Power…Rangers

9 Jul

Head writer: Alright guys I’ve got a great idea for a new kids TV show. We got 5 teenagers who are given special powers and the ability to “morph” into “Power Rangers”, each “Power Ranger” will wear a different coloured uniform. You with me?

Other writers: Sounds good.

HW: First we got the Red Ranger, he’s the leader. Muscular guy, works out, knows Karate, popular kid.

OW: Alright.

HW: Then we got the Blue Ranger. He’s a bit of a nerd, a brainer, good with science stuff and he wears glasses.

OW: Um ok, wears glasses, that works I guess.

HW: Next up is the Pink Ranger. A girl, she’s good at gymnastics.

OW: Um, you really want to have a Pink Ranger and make it a girl, don’t you think that might come off as a bit stereoty…

HW: Alright now we got the yellow ranger. She’s also a girl. Asian.

OW: Um the Yellow Ranger is Asian?

HW: And also smart.

OW: So the Yellow Ranger is smart and Asian. Ok that sounds a bit raci…

HW: Finally the Black Ranger. Black kid,

OW: Black Ranger is black.

HW: and he has dread locks

OW: Black Ranger, Black with dread locks?

HW: and he breakdances

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